hours to the year 2009, things ought to have a change, new resolutions are in mind and unforeseen situations are ahead of us humankind. "We'll leave the past in the past, gonna find the future", which is very true. leave all the junks behind, bring forward the triumph and happiness. 2008, i call it a solero shot year. the ups and downs, they are so inevitable.
once the clock's two sharp needles meet at 12, that's it, the majority will be cheering out loud and fireworks could be seen blasting into colours in the boundless sky. may 2009 will bring lots of happiness and luck, fill my life again with the one happiness that had faded back then, the kind of happiness that's so precious to me and the kind that i'm happy to be a part of.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
2 pieces of pancakes and scramble egg for my breakfast. ok mcm ni la kan,not breakfast but lunch. i woke up at 12+ pm, so right now im substituting breakfast with lunch. substituting? that reminds me of maths and addmaths.HAHA ok ugh im fucking starving, i need to consume food.
'Cause you caught me off guard
Now I'm running and screaming
I feel like a hero and you are my heroine'
lelaki suka perempuan, i've been hearing this song over and over and over again. why? bcs i love it la,haiyo
'Cause you caught me off guard
Now I'm running and screaming
I feel like a hero and you are my heroine'
lelaki suka perempuan, i've been hearing this song over and over and over again. why? bcs i love it la,haiyo
Sunday, December 28, 2008
31 candles
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you ko
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you ko
happy birthday to you
happy 31st birthday ko
our age,we're so far away brotha
but our shelters are not that far XP
but our shelters are not that far XP
i remember the times when we used to play with the soft toys. HAHA you know what i mean don't you bro. those memories couldn't be erased XD
may Allah bless you with good health,amin. iloveyou
Saturday, December 27, 2008
the saga continues
double yes! angah finally collected her pre-ordered books at mph, eclipse and breaking dawn. uh-la-la i was helplessly urber excited about it(keep your head nat).angah's expressions
seemed emm... calm and smiley, her face didn't exposed any sign of urber excitement like mine. well nevermind with that,maybe the excitement did blossomed inside of her,who knows ;) she's started with the third book, while me? haha this time i've jumped to conclusion. while waiting for her to finish the third one, i myself started reading the forth one. oh i couldn't resist, patience was not strong enough in me. yeah, i know, i'm against the law. couldn't help it XP
one night, i brought my friend,desperate along with me to crash into wikipedia to search for the synopsises. correction, they're plot summaries. so since then, i roughly knew about the stories. i know i've spoiled the fun, too bad. but hey, it wasn't that completely spoiled yet, that was just the surface though ;)
seemed emm... calm and smiley, her face didn't exposed any sign of urber excitement like mine. well nevermind with that,maybe the excitement did blossomed inside of her,who knows ;) she's started with the third book, while me? haha this time i've jumped to conclusion. while waiting for her to finish the third one, i myself started reading the forth one. oh i couldn't resist, patience was not strong enough in me. yeah, i know, i'm against the law. couldn't help it XP
one night, i brought my friend,desperate along with me to crash into wikipedia to search for the synopsises. correction, they're plot summaries. so since then, i roughly knew about the stories. i know i've spoiled the fun, too bad. but hey, it wasn't that completely spoiled yet, that was just the surface though ;)
Thursday, December 25, 2008
morning,rise and shine
it was 8am,my alarm sang to me pop rocks and cokes
why in the world i woke up so early
this is bcs im doing it for the sake of mid valley
early? precisely
what if the parking lot was fulled with cars
we'll be having headaches while searching for one
alright,i wanna go drench myself at the 'niagara falls' now
later sweetsugarcandyman!
it was 8am,my alarm sang to me pop rocks and cokes
why in the world i woke up so early
this is bcs im doing it for the sake of mid valley
early? precisely
what if the parking lot was fulled with cars
we'll be having headaches while searching for one
alright,i wanna go drench myself at the 'niagara falls' now
later sweetsugarcandyman!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
money money money
my friend texted me just now saying that she got offered a job by gaguu kids,good for her =)
oh God, i so wanna work,i want money honey. hmm if i got offered,that means i may have to say goodbye to mr.midnight and greet miss sunshine in the morning. PLEERRKK LAME. however, if i work then i'll be getting income! the scent of money...guess i'll use the word marvellous to describe it =P
oh God, i so wanna work,i want money honey. hmm if i got offered,that means i may have to say goodbye to mr.midnight and greet miss sunshine in the morning. PLEERRKK LAME. however, if i work then i'll be getting income! the scent of money...guess i'll use the word marvellous to describe it =P
back to basics,am i?
im currently eating 3 pieces of yam cakes which were well of course made by my father. what i can clarify about them is that they are finger licking good if they're eaten with chili sauce. hmphhh i guess natalia is back on track with her supermassive appetite! damn nat, control yourself,think about your tops,pants,figure and most importantly your WEIGHT! urghhh now i want my pondan stomach back! =(
btw this is my 100th post,it's like gaining full marks in the examination ( i wish) X)
btw this is my 100th post,it's like gaining full marks in the examination ( i wish) X)
Monday, December 22, 2008
eclipse- after christmas, end of january, febuary
breaking dawn- still available in certain bookstores kot
guess i have to wait for i-don't-know-how-long for eclipse to show up in the bookstore. angah will go and buy it. (hehe a silent yeah!)..the twilight saga is so addictive and all i want is to continue reading. it's like a harmless drug that i can't say no to it. good vamp rules!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
los dan faun

Friday, December 19, 2008
game plan
playing games is one of my favourite activities to do when im at my home sweet home. i miss playing the ps, i really do. the moment i grabbed the joystick and started playing my all time favourite game which is resident evil, it was hard for me to stop the journey and take my eyes off the tv screen. i could still remember when i was at the tender age of 12,i used to play resident evil 2 and 3 over and over again everyday after the upsr examination. hm if im not mistaken,i'd spent a total of 3 hours per day to complete one of those terrific games that i've mentioned. see how addicted i was with RE, what can i say, that's the best damn action game ever!
a picture paints a thousand words
Monday, December 15, 2008
new moon

Sunday, December 14, 2008
ok, im in love with a vampire. im very much in love with a vampire. haha i know it sounds stupid and ridiculous but i couldnt care less =P twilight is worth watching, the book is worth reading. i was smiling widely,watching and imagining the way how edward treated bella. in conclusion, that is a beautiful story. how i wish vampires with a good heart do exist in this 21st century.falling in love with a vampire is way better than falling in love with a human being.HAHAHAHA
Saturday, December 13, 2008
ms.hayley williams

no offense,she's way better than mrs.deryck wimbley,seriously.
Friday, December 12, 2008
pancakes turn me on

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Something I rely on to get home
One I can feel at night
A naked light, a fire to keep me warm
Try to leave a light on when I'm gone
Even in the daylight, shine on
And when it's late at night you can look inside
You won't feel so alone
-david cook-
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
hope to harvest it sooner
another challenge emerged today. cool huh? challenges come and go. self confidence is building. at least i know whats happening and i'll take this as an experience and a lesson as well. life without challenges? that's not life and shouldnt be qualified as life. i'll pick up the puzzles that scatter on the floor and try to arrange them back to form a picture. this may take a long time for me to do it. don't rush, do it slowly, go with the flow.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
it's 12.47am and im starving like hell. maggie mee called me to cook it since 11+am. haih i faught the feeling and the temptation. HAHA. right now, at this moment, i cant be able to fight the temptingness of mr maggie mee anymore. im loosing and im giving up! im gonna hop from this bed and head towards the kitchen to cook mr maggie. yummeyhhh! here i come!
fell in love with decode

the truth is hiding in your eyes
and it's hanging on your tongue
just boiling in my blood
but you think that i cant see
what kind of man that you are
if your man at all
i will figure this one out
on my own
how did we get here
i used to know you so well
how did we get here
i think i know
there is something
i see in you
it might kill me
i want it to be true
Monday, December 8, 2008
finally,she came
guess who came by yesterday? it was eryna=) uh finally she came, i missed that minah la =P haha i felt like im in a busy mood yesterday,when to ou in the morning and came back in the evening. we thought of going to the park but unfortunately it rained, so the park was all wet and so on. that was ok, we ended up chilling at my room. but it'll be more fun hanging out at the park instead of chilling in my room. we talked alot,obviously. talked about her probs and mine as well. at night, while we were talking, suddenly my stomach was aching, having difficulties in respiring and my nose was blocked. my eyes began to turn red and they were swollen. one thing that im very sure why my nose was blocked is that i was exposed to dust. once im exposed, that's it, i'll be sneezing like hell. i feel like washing my nose and then fix it back to where it belongs XD that's impossible, i know. in this case, impossible is something.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
read more
Friday, December 5, 2008
question marks
i have no freaking idea. will it happen or it's just impossible for that to happen?
btw, samantha ronson..booo!
btw, samantha ronson..booo!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
time to fix them
the dental appointment is on tomorrow. i have two cavities and i bet it's gonna hurt when the dentist starts his 'experiment' on my teeth =S
im bored...
im bored to death. all i do is sleep,online,eat and watch tv. lame, i know=/ how nice if eryna still lives in this neighbourhood. she used to stay nearby my house but unfortunately she shifted to hartamas on the month of...ok i can't remember which month. hang,aku rindu kau la, bile nak hangout ni...when are u coming to menjalara laaaa...lets eat dominos like we used to.haha xD
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
job at home dot com
my fellow buddies have finised with their exams today.yeah! kiss spm gudbye =P korang ape lg,jom hangout and have lots and lots of fun, just leave everything behind and run forward to reach for the excitement that's ahead of us. my activities for today are that i have to clean up my room and get rid of all the papers on the sofa and the study table. the amount of books and papers, well their COUNTLESS. maybe i'll be having flu while doing it. shitty shit. the condition of the second floor of my house,hurm needless for me to mention about it. hey now i gotta lift my butt up from this chair and start working,later yaw
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
it's o-over
p/s: im gonna miss them,uhuh im gonna miss them =( iloveyouguys
Monday, December 1, 2008
ok,shut down now
great,i can't sleep. my eyes were stubborn,they refused to say goodnite. they just wanna look around although its dark. hm lastly, i decided to get up from my bed,turned on the laptop and started blogging. today's my big day,urgh finally! after days of waiting and dreaming,dreaming and waiting and blablabla...the list goes on and on
ya Allah,moga-moga apa yg ku telah pelajari kluar dlm exam harini. Amin
ya Allah,moga-moga apa yg ku telah pelajari kluar dlm exam harini. Amin
Friday, November 28, 2008
hello flu...yup im talking to you, pls go away asap, you're spoiling my fucking mood,uhuh im serious. i just hate to have you,im sure you know that you fe-loo-oou. you irritate me, just back off ok. sigh i feel like cutting off my nose now =/
this is for hani

happy birthday to you
happy birthday to hani
happy birthday to you
ok this is my 2nd time singing to her in blogger.haha. my first time was at 12am,sorry about my horrible voice hani. i hope u dont mind.gaga XD happy 17th birthday babe, may all your dreams and wishes come true. Allah akan sentiasa bersama mu,amin. do enjoy your day.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
K to the power of 3
full marks for penyata pendapatan and dokumen are the tickets to A2? hell yeah!
im so in the mood for accts right now! lets do more and more and more! XD
im so in the mood for accts right now! lets do more and more and more! XD
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
politics and music for bm paper 1? haha uhuh, thats what i dreamnt of. weird huh? asking about george bush, osama, etc. ok now im wondering how are my bm papers doing,damn forget about it nat.
p/s: im looking forward to end this nightmare,the spm nightmare ya know
p/s: im looking forward to end this nightmare,the spm nightmare ya know
Sunday, November 23, 2008
shot through the heart and you're to blame
when i was checking out prom dresses on the net, suddenly a song just pop out from my mind. it sounded like this "thank you for loving me,for being my eyes when i couldnt see..."
without hesitating, i quickly searched for the song and started dwnlding. tonight,this one fine night,im gonna sink in the lyrics and let each and every word take me away.gaga. you lovebirds out there better start dedicating this song to your love one's bcs it'll put a big smile on your faces =))))
thank you for loving me by jon bon jovi
without hesitating, i quickly searched for the song and started dwnlding. tonight,this one fine night,im gonna sink in the lyrics and let each and every word take me away.gaga. you lovebirds out there better start dedicating this song to your love one's bcs it'll put a big smile on your faces =))))
thank you for loving me by jon bon jovi
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
one and two
7 down, 2 more papers to go and im finally free from notes and formulars. we have nine days of gap so im gonna rest for a day and make use of the next 8 days to do my revision. it's all about excercising your brains again. well of course duh it's spm,you can't take it for graunted. i can still remember the first day when i was in the hall with other fellow candidates, oh my, it felt like...urgh only Allah knows about it. time flies and now left 2 more papers to go, isnt that a good news? well it seems like a yes to me
yadaaaa i guess i should be clicking the publish post button now bcs there's nothing left for me to say anymore.
yadaaaa i guess i should be clicking the publish post button now bcs there's nothing left for me to say anymore.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
i hope i dont
did i screwed up? did i? did i? did i???
i fear,im in fear,fear fear fear fear
fear overwhelmes me.........ohh fear....
i fear,im in fear,fear fear fear fear
fear overwhelmes me.........ohh fear....
Monday, November 10, 2008
it's our time
to all SPM candidates out there,i wish you guys all the best in your SPM
may Allah bless us and be with us throughout these two months and forever
Friday, November 7, 2008
mordern minds and pastimes
2004 is a new begining for 1991
madenew friends from different school
i sat beside SKY in the class
that bendahari thingy vivids in my mind
as time passed by, i screwed up my post as a treasurer but whatever it is, i don't need to burden myself anymore =P
simple plan and hoobastank, these are the two bands that im obsessed with those days
i can't stop telling about them to my friends, that's bloody annoying of me =/
2005,we're 14
the 1F gang was seperated because of the noise that we made..i guess
ahaa friendship began to spread
quarrels and arguements emerged
some of us were no longer ONE
2006,the first battle begins
PMR is my fear
if i can't make it,then im off to the north east
my class was united,even the prefects in our class were united
we made a hell lot of noises,we don't care,we like it
the chant " 3E 3E oiiiiii...." is unforgettable
2007,honey moon baby
video making session with the starcruise was on
we've made a few master pieces in class and outdoor
"toxic" and "this is why im hot" were choosen to be the theme songs
part 1 and part 2 were produced at the end
that was a laugh-our-asses-out moment for us
2008 is the final battle for 1991
SPM ok, it's about life and death
we have to put our best foot forward to reach for the stars
this happens to be the final year for us to put on meters of white and terqoise fabric
sadness and joy overwhelmed everyone of us on the 7th of november 08
hugs and apologies could be seen and heard everywhere
-we are now holding the 5 years of sweet and bitter memories with us-
madenew friends from different school
i sat beside SKY in the class
that bendahari thingy vivids in my mind
as time passed by, i screwed up my post as a treasurer but whatever it is, i don't need to burden myself anymore =P
simple plan and hoobastank, these are the two bands that im obsessed with those days
i can't stop telling about them to my friends, that's bloody annoying of me =/
2005,we're 14
the 1F gang was seperated because of the noise that we made..i guess
ahaa friendship began to spread
quarrels and arguements emerged
some of us were no longer ONE
2006,the first battle begins
PMR is my fear
if i can't make it,then im off to the north east
my class was united,even the prefects in our class were united
we made a hell lot of noises,we don't care,we like it
the chant " 3E 3E oiiiiii...." is unforgettable
2007,honey moon baby
video making session with the starcruise was on
we've made a few master pieces in class and outdoor
"toxic" and "this is why im hot" were choosen to be the theme songs
part 1 and part 2 were produced at the end
that was a laugh-our-asses-out moment for us
2008 is the final battle for 1991
SPM ok, it's about life and death
we have to put our best foot forward to reach for the stars
this happens to be the final year for us to put on meters of white and terqoise fabric
sadness and joy overwhelmed everyone of us on the 7th of november 08
hugs and apologies could be seen and heard everywhere
-we are now holding the 5 years of sweet and bitter memories with us-
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
abstinence works everytime,abstinence is possible

it's officially november after 12am.11 days to go, i repeat 11 days left for me to get myself prepared for the final battle of my 5th year in high school. i have to abstain myself from the pc for a month but haha i dont think so that i'll be able to do that =S it's difficult to keep at arm's length from something which you really need in your everyday life. haiya....i have to try my best to stop using this pc for a month, for the sake of spm,urgh!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
layan babe =P
oh mawar khayalan
bawaku terbang tinggi
jauh rentasi awan
dari duniaku yang hampa
kecewa tak bermakna
semua hanyalah tipu daya
modenisasi hanya...
bawaku terbang tinggi
jauh rentasi awan
dari duniaku yang hampa
kecewa tak bermakna
semua hanyalah tipu daya
modenisasi hanya...
-laila's lounge-
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
i cant attend sunny's tuition class today bcs we'll be having a farewell dinner for abg ramzey tonight,he's leaving for dubai on this coming friday. he got offered a job there,which happens to be his dream job. jgn tak best r kan,dream job plak tu. unfortunately next year, my sister has no choice but to head to dubai ,along with rayboy and her newborn. hmm this house will be so called empty and bored, it'll be just me and my parents. without the presence of my sister and rayboy...of course there will be less noice. argh i dont like it, why does she have to go so far?leaving us behind? adoiii,nak buat camne,she has hobson's choice. i noticed that we're getting closer now, i tried to tell her my probs,which i already did =)
my assumption was, maybe i can talk to her about anything starting from the day when we talked about my problems in the restaurant =)
ohh adik loves you angah! <33333
my assumption was, maybe i can talk to her about anything starting from the day when we talked about my problems in the restaurant =)
ohh adik loves you angah! <33333
Monday, October 27, 2008
waste time no more
it's just me,my father and bibik in the house
angah and abg ramzey brought ray boy to the zoo,oh i havent been to the zoo for like...years? my last trip was i think when i was still in kindergarten,budak hingusss =P
mom had to go to work today,on deepavali?herm pitty her though =(
father is watching tv downstair,while me? yeah,im updating my blog right now
talking about blog,i asked my sister to blog,but unfortunately she dosen't have time..i dont care,i just want her to have a blog,so that she can spend her time here besides loging into facebook
shit...a few more days to go until it hits spm...my goodness.why spm?why???!
it's just me,my father and bibik in the house
angah and abg ramzey brought ray boy to the zoo,oh i havent been to the zoo for like...years? my last trip was i think when i was still in kindergarten,budak hingusss =P
mom had to go to work today,on deepavali?herm pitty her though =(
father is watching tv downstair,while me? yeah,im updating my blog right now
talking about blog,i asked my sister to blog,but unfortunately she dosen't have time..i dont care,i just want her to have a blog,so that she can spend her time here besides loging into facebook
shit...a few more days to go until it hits spm...my goodness.why spm?why???!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
woke up at 7+ , wash myself, get dress and went to bangsar just to have breakfast with my parents. that restaurant was packed and oh as i turned and look around, there was a group of americans,tourist i guess. they just filled up the three rows. they ordered alot, as if like they were having dinner or something =S my dad's into the dhal,i have to agree that the dhal was superb,thick and oh sooo damn sedap la weyhweyh
at 10+, i went for seminar at kasturi, today was my second last day. mr how, which is the addmaths teacher,he conducted the class and...AND not to forget he is HOTTTTT. charming and so on..haha i melted in his class although he's kinda berlagak =P
at 10+, i went for seminar at kasturi, today was my second last day. mr how, which is the addmaths teacher,he conducted the class and...AND not to forget he is HOTTTTT. charming and so on..haha i melted in his class although he's kinda berlagak =P
Saturday, October 25, 2008
to be in the limelight

something that has to do with vampires may not be on top of my list. yesterday night, i visited this girl's blog and eventually i saw this twilight trailer in one of her posts. base on its trailer, i think this movie is daboom! later on, i suggested to my sister that she should watch this movie soon because she's into this vampire kind of stuff. they said that the novels are interesting and happens to be a hit in this day and age. haa nice,why not i get myself one copy after the spm? i'll be spending my leisure time reading novels besides being a potato couch and glue my butt on the chair,surfing the internet.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
i can't wait
gooood morninggg world! nothing much today,well just woke up an hour ago,how am i suppose to tell you what's happening today.yeah yeah my daily updates are getting shorter and shorter.btw tomorrow i will be sitting for my last paper,wuhoo! im soooo in the holiday mood right now!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
percubaan sijil pelajaran malaysia
7 down,2 more to go and i'm gonna scream like hell,haha that's too much. so many silly and careless mistakes,so little opportunities and hopes to have the desired results.
p/s: they're able to make it,so can i. buck up,buck up
p/s: they're able to make it,so can i. buck up,buck up
Saturday, September 6, 2008
selamat berpuasa
saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan selamat berpuasa kepada semua muslimin dan muslimat =)
i love fasting month=)
i love fasting month=)
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
the dark knight
Sunday, August 17, 2008
taking back sunday
it's sunday and i'm stuck at home as usual,doing random stuffs and oh my stomach's growling now.sunday sunday sunday,i don't like sundays bcs the next day i have to wake up earlyyyy and
head back to "jail".but for now,i don't care wat day is today bcs tomorrow's a holiday,a one week holiday.it's a big HURRAY for us
p/s:holidays in the sun
head back to "jail".but for now,i don't care wat day is today bcs tomorrow's a holiday,a one week holiday.it's a big HURRAY for us
p/s:holidays in the sun
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
stupid or what?
dennis in the tv series inikah cinta died of an accident!fyi he's the hero in that story and he's meant to be with moza for eternity!let me make a conclusion or perhapes let the inikah cinta addicts make a conclusion,A HERO SHOULDN'T DIE!titik!
p/s:director nak kena terajang kot
p/s:director nak kena terajang kot
Friday, July 25, 2008
bye bye old hair and HELLO new hair
i decided to go and have a hair cut today and i did.unfortunately,my hair turned out to be like..short and long at the back.it's layered and well it kinda looks like my old hair in 2007.argh its short!no more twisting my hair and just leave it like a bun like i used to.*sigh*... this hair sucks and i miss the times where i had the longest-hair-of-my-life.
p/s: dear hair,pls grow faster
p/s: dear hair,pls grow faster
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
hello i'm here
wifi was set up in my school library but the disadvantage is that we are not allow to log into myspace,friendster,youtube and BLOGGER.and oh btw,we will be banned from entering this 'chamber' for a month as well if we were caught logging into these websites.duh,can't you guys be any lame?!whatever it is,like i give a damn?
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
second day of the week
it was 1.30 pm and school's over at this hour.hny,nutt,anith and i stayed back til 2.10 and we decided to hang out at the walk way where we usually do during form 3.aww i really miss those times when we hang out there together in a group.what we often do is talk(that's for sure) and laugh out loud about any stupid acts and jokes that crossed our minds.i bought pisang goreng and man oh man its irresistable!nutt actually foot out 2 bucks for pisang goreng(that's so kind of her =]) and of course we share them among ourselves.what can i say,sharing is caring =) i never ate pisang goreng this much in one day,sedap gile babai sampai nak lagi plak tu kan.
at hny's place,we watched this taiwanese love series which is a prince who turns into a frog if im not mistaken and inikah cinta.among all the movie genres,love story is what i love the most.it really gives you this wonderful yet blissful feeling when it comes to scenes where you just can't simply take your eyes of them,even a single second.haha
p/s: love stories RULE
at hny's place,we watched this taiwanese love series which is a prince who turns into a frog if im not mistaken and inikah cinta.among all the movie genres,love story is what i love the most.it really gives you this wonderful yet blissful feeling when it comes to scenes where you just can't simply take your eyes of them,even a single second.haha
p/s: love stories RULE
Sunday, July 13, 2008
happy birthday kak myra
Thursday, July 10, 2008
tip top
it's time for me to actually take the sicssors and place my hair in between the two blades and move both of my fingers together.oh and i finally did it,i just cut off a few centimeters of my horse-like-hair,well it's just the tip though.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
it feels good to be back on track
pheww,im back from the hospital at last.it was fucking bored and it was torturing over there.dh la lupe nk bawak earphone kn,well NICE.so i just lied on the bed,looking at the celing,the curtains,the lights,waiting for text messages,tossing and turning.besides that,i went in a n out from the toilet for i dunno how many times a day with that bende ala drip,it was very very and very inconvinient.i was admitted into the ward on monday and this is my first time staying in the ward.the doc suspected that i was diagnosed with dangue fever,which is true at the end result.omg,seriously its a nightmare =S
on tuesday,guess who came by and visit me?hny,nutt,zaty,anith,nadrah,tasha,sopeah and nurul and her mom!i was overwhelme with joy and my energy just boost up!its amazing to see them there but you cant really talk too loud bcs well its a hospital =/ but whatever it is,that's the most best and unforgettable day in the ward itself.thanks a bunch guys!=D i really appriciate it =D.jpg)
on tuesday,guess who came by and visit me?hny,nutt,zaty,anith,nadrah,tasha,sopeah and nurul and her mom!i was overwhelme with joy and my energy just boost up!its amazing to see them there but you cant really talk too loud bcs well its a hospital =/ but whatever it is,that's the most best and unforgettable day in the ward itself.thanks a bunch guys!=D i really appriciate it =D
Sunday, July 6, 2008
i hate this,i really hate this
im sick and this happens to be the worse for this year.i'd transformed into a lobster and i dunno whats happening to me.
Friday, June 27, 2008
not just any other ordinary t
check out these super adorable ts that i've uploaded.i found them in a website last week and oh there are tons of cool ts you can actually find from there.all you bloggers out there espacially those who love graphic ts,why not spend some time browsing them in this web http://www.crazydogtshirts.com/ 

Thursday, June 26, 2008
off and on
my mood's been funny for the past few days..hmm or maybe it's just bcs im having my period or what?like i felt something weird in me,ergh!i tried to ignore it by doing my daily activities and try not to think about it.sigh its stupid to think and think.besides,it'll ruin my concentration and oh ya i'm the kind who likes to think really really faaarrr,like way farrr.people say think 'out of the box',but i'm thinking like waayyy out of the box.is this forever or it's just has to end one day?
Friday, June 20, 2008
hip hip hurray!
time flies and its finally friday.oh thank God it is bcs guess what tomorrow's saturday and its OFF!(duh)
seriously i cant believe its already the end of june,its like going to bed now
and when you wake up you'll noticed that you're in 20th of june.well basically,everything has its own pros and cons.like for instance,this time-flying moment,one of the advantages is i'm no longer a secondary school student,which is also a good news for the fellow form 5 students
wherease the disadvantages are time is short and the major exam is coming!
take note:live your precious life to the fullest!you won't regret it
seriously i cant believe its already the end of june,its like going to bed now
and when you wake up you'll noticed that you're in 20th of june.well basically,everything has its own pros and cons.like for instance,this time-flying moment,one of the advantages is i'm no longer a secondary school student,which is also a good news for the fellow form 5 students
wherease the disadvantages are time is short and the major exam is coming!
take note:live your precious life to the fullest!you won't regret it
Monday, June 2, 2008
presenting this years american idol winner..david cook!(duh its been weeks).this season's show is worth watching and i have no regrets watching and supporting this talented creature=D here's a video tht i would love to share it with you guys out there.girls,get ready to screeeeeaaam yr lungs out!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
of you go fringe
Monday, March 17, 2008
my first PGA tour

not exactly a PGA tour,but after school hny,uncle abbas and i went to a driving range not far from her house.it took us just a few minutes to reach there though.im telling u this is my first time playing golf and it's so damn difficult!when you watch any golf tournaments on tv maybe u'll think it's easy to swing,but let me make it clear..it's not as easy as it seems.my pumps are painful and it requires alot of strength to swwiiiinngggg.well i played like shit ok.hmm what can i say practice makes perfect.there's this uncle,im kindaff amaze by the way he swings and the ball actually went far!he's so relaxed when he swings,hurm how's that eh?
Sunday, March 16, 2008
a tight squeeze situation below
yada yada yada hny,i've just read yr go-nuts blog.well as long as K comes for tuesday's class then that'll be good enough.hahaha.and maybe i get to see J on the same day as well.wuuuu =P
hahaha true,who knows one day i'll find my very own true love.it's all in God's hands,jodoh di tgn Allah pe,cheewahwah!
after our class hny,hus and i went to anexe(not sure about the spelling) to take a look at the booths that they're going to set up there but unfortunately i was told by my friend that if u want to enter then u have to pay for the entry.well im not going to pay cuz im really broke and in a very very very tight budget this month.this tight-budget-thingy does not only occurs in this month but every month since i dunno when it actually started.
hahaha true,who knows one day i'll find my very own true love.it's all in God's hands,jodoh di tgn Allah pe,cheewahwah!
after our class hny,hus and i went to anexe(not sure about the spelling) to take a look at the booths that they're going to set up there but unfortunately i was told by my friend that if u want to enter then u have to pay for the entry.well im not going to pay cuz im really broke and in a very very very tight budget this month.this tight-budget-thingy does not only occurs in this month but every month since i dunno when it actually started.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
away means away
after our class we straight away headed to... hmm where eles..klcc la.that same old boring place over and over again.what to do,if we go to bb then we have to spend lots of money which we will deffinately run out of budget and btw its better then going nowhere rite?
here are a few pics that we took at avenue k and klcc.

Friday, March 7, 2008
hey again
let see what shall i start.....
i didn't update my blog for days n aw pitty u blog..haihs as usual la,i don't need to mention.i'll try to update my blog oftenly and now my blog is soooo damn dull.nk bace pon xde semangat!i got a phone call from syaff yesterday and i was told that she was picked pocket by an idiot at the lrt station.her brand new phone that she just used for 1 month gone just like that.haih really pitty her la.ok,next 2 weeks will be my ujian intervensi.just a small exam.not much.but i have no choice but to crack my head n stare at the books for days.tp xtau la bwat ke x kan.but i really have to force myself although i hated it so much!
i didn't update my blog for days n aw pitty u blog..haihs as usual la,i don't need to mention.i'll try to update my blog oftenly and now my blog is soooo damn dull.nk bace pon xde semangat!i got a phone call from syaff yesterday and i was told that she was picked pocket by an idiot at the lrt station.her brand new phone that she just used for 1 month gone just like that.haih really pitty her la.ok,next 2 weeks will be my ujian intervensi.just a small exam.not much.but i have no choice but to crack my head n stare at the books for days.tp xtau la bwat ke x kan.but i really have to force myself although i hated it so much!
Friday, February 29, 2008
preparation for tomorrow
tomorrow's the school's sports day,so there's no practice today so that no one will get injured during the big day.malangnye aku saket badan dow.but xpe la.have to give it all out tomorrow.PLAYNE HOUSE's forever ok.once a playnian always a playnian(dh cm VI nye slogan la pulak).this afternoon,hny,teena n i went to slayang mall to get a piece of big polystyrene board
to draw the head of the ladybird and cut the shape out.our tent is kindaff simple so we have to make it daboom to gain more and more marks!damn we're behind mc neil by 1 point.and pring's leading for now.playne is at the third position now and this really worries me.well this is my last year and i really do hope that playne will be the champion again this year.it's a thing you should be very proud of if your house wins the house cup and this is one of my biggest hope for this year.
to draw the head of the ladybird and cut the shape out.our tent is kindaff simple so we have to make it daboom to gain more and more marks!damn we're behind mc neil by 1 point.and pring's leading for now.playne is at the third position now and this really worries me.well this is my last year and i really do hope that playne will be the champion again this year.it's a thing you should be very proud of if your house wins the house cup and this is one of my biggest hope for this year.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
what a day
waking up early and heading to syaff's place,and this is not my first time doing it.the seminar began at 8.30,well im sure that some of us are sleepy cuz it's 8.30!there were two seminars today,bm and english..im telling u bloggers,honestly la today's seminar mmg busan r although ade lawak2,tp tetap busan..thanks to you zaty for bringing your camera.at least we can still cheer up by taking lots of pics rite?hohoho
btw what an irritating day today.i dont have to proceed-1.jpg)
btw what an irritating day today.i dont have to proceed

Sunday, February 17, 2008
outing for the four of us
after our bm class,we head straight to klcc to celebrate our syg's bufday.this is the first time the four of us actually went out together,pheeew finally ok.we went mkn2 at madam kwan's and syaff dosent have to pay cuz she da bufday girl mah.there's someone while we were chilling,there's someone who wanted to come but luckily we neva bump into that someone.after the mkn2 thing we went looking for cloths and shoes.i bought a pencil case,my beloved pencil case went missing last year,i felt like loosing half of my life.as for hus she's the one who shopping sakan lah.baju la seluar la..haih i wish i have a crdt card so i can shop till i drop then bayar hutang till i botak.pada pukol 4 lbh,kami pon bersurai la.haritu sy amat enjoy bersama mereka =) dan sy syg sama mereke.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
shop,prepare and eat
all rite,here it goes..at first me and hny were planning to cook maggie but eventually she came up with a great idea which is making potato coleslaw(whatever it is).at first we went to giant and bought some potatoes.before going hny decided to wear BIG shoes so we just wore and LOL all the way to giant,well it's "cool" though.hahaha.crap.ok so we bought potatoes n muffins and went straight back home to boiled and cut the potatoes and onions.the potato coleslaw was walaaaahhhh!!! but we were full after the second round and couldn't manage to finish it.
my fave song for now is love fool by new found glory feat. adam lazzara from taking back sunday.i just found out adam was featured in this song yesterday because one of the voices was so familiar.i fell in love with his voice though <333

my fave song for now is love fool by new found glory feat. adam lazzara from taking back sunday.i just found out adam was featured in this song yesterday because one of the voices was so familiar.i fell in love with his voice though <333

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
i missed another tuition class today cuz of cheer prac.i dun mind missing other class because it's da same teacher that teaches all the form 5 students.but there's one class i hate to miss which is mathematics.mr khoo he only teaches on tuesday n wednesday .wednesday xleh pegi plak.if i attend maths class on saturday that means he'll not be teaching...*sigh*
i do love the way he teaches although his method of teaching is like the old fashion type,who cares btw?i still like it,at least its not bored.
i do love the way he teaches although his method of teaching is like the old fashion type,who cares btw?i still like it,at least its not bored.
Monday, February 11, 2008
sorry for the late wish teena
Sunday, February 10, 2008
school in 2 days time
argh!school's open on next tuesday.and it spoils everything!y can't we have another holiday?why?why?why?like mr kumar said:"school=jail" which is very true,i do agree with u sir =) i have to wait for like months to get out from high school life and in these few months i have to work my ass off for the major exam which is ehem ehem SPM.that's rite SPM,can't believe i'm actually sitting for this super-gigantic-major-scariest examination of all time.*sigh* too bad,either me or you out there have to deal with it cuz it's part of our precious lives.so c'mon u form fives out there,lets give our one last best shot and do well in our SPM!
ok,enough of that.well these few days something has been bothering me and i feel like washing my brain with clorox,if i can la kan.klo cuci cmne?can u predict what happen?
ok,enough of that.well these few days something has been bothering me and i feel like washing my brain with clorox,if i can la kan.klo cuci cmne?can u predict what happen?
Saturday, February 9, 2008
i dunno what title
ok this morning,called up hny n gave her the carbonara recipe.u know what,carbonara is one of the best damn food.i dont like it when i was a kid,but one day when i really tasted it i began to like it!this afternoon my family n i went to quality hotel to have our lunch.it's something like buffet,eat all u can..so y not eat all i can =D the food was gud espacially the porraige.that's da best porraige that i've tasted so far.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
happy bufday syaff syg! =D

happy bufday to u!
happy bufday to u!
happy bufday to syafiqa!
happy bufday to u!
haha i already sang it to u yesterday n im singing it to u again in my blog
may all yr dreams come true,gud luck in everything,moga Allah panjangkan umur mu,moga anda berkekalan bersama si dia =P n do well in yr spm =) not to forget,i really do love u my bestie.i'll neva forget u.da moments with u,hunny n has r unforgetable =D
like cikgu rosli said:"ACIKA!"
happy bufday to u!
happy bufday to syafiqa!
happy bufday to u!
haha i already sang it to u yesterday n im singing it to u again in my blog
may all yr dreams come true,gud luck in everything,moga Allah panjangkan umur mu,moga anda berkekalan bersama si dia =P n do well in yr spm =) not to forget,i really do love u my bestie.i'll neva forget u.da moments with u,hunny n has r unforgetable =D
like cikgu rosli said:"ACIKA!"
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
hey u bloggers out there!=)
hey ho new blog!ok i have to say this is my 3rd blog..da previous blogs telah di pulaukan cuz of my laziness in logging in.im not really new here but i need yr guidence abt this thingy.thanx alot.i really appriciate it if u r willing to guide me=)well yesterday is our last day of school(hiphiphuraaaaay!!!)which all of us r waiting for all these while.tommorow is a chinese new year and all of da chinese(including me) cant wait to collect angpau kot!syaff, which is one of my besties received a present from her bf..n guess what it is?a 5 MPX SONY ERICSSON CYBERSHOT!she is one lucky girl ok ;)now,im listening to chris brown's with you..not bad though that song but i prefer kiss kiss.oh n not to forget t-pain,i began to love yr songs man!
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