Monday, August 9, 2010

this house believes that...

it was my first time debating today. as usual, i tend to get nervous when i talk infront of people, even when i'm in the class, but i was not thattttt nervous in class :P of course, i always jumble up my words. good news is, our class ended up 5th, alhamdulillah :D today's experience is a preparation for the up coming assessment for BEL and i hope to be more relax when the time comes :) 

to my other team members and friends, thanks alot for everything :) it was one of the great experiences in this final semester :) this day is marked.


ahmad faiz said...

hidden talent.

natalia harris thang said...

diaorg yg hidden talent :D igtkan ko nk comment suruh aku rilekk hahaha

Rabiatul Adawiyah Sulaiman said...

Gitewww. Haha.